(Check-in) Notification settings

Here you can set which action has to occur so that the e-mail addresses you have stored for certain guests are notified.

This gives you and your employees the option to be notified when special VIP guests sign up for the event or check in.

Event > Settings > Section "(Check-in) Notification settings"

Note: If you cannot see this section, it is probably hidden.

In order to display it, scroll to the bottom of the “Settings” tab and click on “Show more options”.
There you can set which sections should be displayed and which should be hidden so that you have a better overview. :)

Du kannst für das guestoo Back-End zwischen zwei Darstellungsoptionen wählen. Die Screenshots in der Doku basieren auf dem "Klassischen Design".
Hier siehst Du die Unterschiede, damit Du dich auch im "Modernen Design" zurecht findest: » guestoo Back-End-Design

Notifications for special guests

Notifications for special guests -

For some events, there may be special guests that you would like to greet personally upon their arrival. For these cases, you can set up a notification with guestoo.

This is how:

  • Go to the "Settings" tab of your event and scroll to the section "(Check-in) Notification settings"
  • Click on the "Edit" button in the top right corner
  • Now you can choose in which case you want to be notified. You can choose between:
    • Send info when the guest checks in
    • Send info when the guest has signed up for the event
  • You can also activate both options if you want to be notified in both cases 


If you have activated one or both of the options, a notification e-mail will be sent to all e-mail addresses specified in the guest's settings as soon as the corresponding scenario occurs.

You will learn how to enter the corresponding e-mail addresses for the guest in the next step.

Recommended for
  • Events with special guests
  • Events where you really want to talk to a specific guest
  • etc.

Specify email addresses in the guest's settings

Specify email addresses in the guest's settings -

To specify one or more e-mail addresses to be notified in the guest's settings, proceed as follows:

  • Go to the "Guests" tab of the desired event
  • SSearch for the guest in the guest list and click on their name to access the guest's settings
  • Go to the “Notifications” tab of the dialog window
  • Enter an e-mail address into the field and click on the “+” symbol to add it
  • In this way, you can specify as many notification email addresses as you like for this guest. The email addresses do not necessarily have to be registered with guestoo!
  • If you want to remove an email address, simply click on the red minus symbol next to the corresponding email address
  • Done!

Note: In order for the notification to work, you must also configure in the event under Settings > (Check-in) Notification settings in which case the specified email addresses will be notified. You can find out how this works in the previous step.