Generate short URL to your event

For printed invitations and better readability

Here you can create a short URL for your event, e.g. to print it in your invitations.

Event > Settings > Section "Generate short URL to your event"

Note: If you cannot see this section, it is probably hidden.

In order to display it, scroll to the bottom of the “Settings” tab and click on “Show more options”.
There you can set which sections should be displayed and which should be hidden so that you have a better overview. :)

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Short URL for better readability

(ab Basic-Tarif)

Short URL for better readability - (ab Basic-Tarif)

This function is useful if you want to send printed invitations or if you would like to have a short, easy-to-read URL that leads to your event for other reasons.


It's as simple as this:

  • Under “Desired name”, simply enter a URL abbreviation that you would like to use.
  • Important: At this point you ONLY need to enter the abbreviation that should appear after
  • Example: If you enter pirate-summerparty, the short URL will be created.

Tip: Under “Current short URL” you can check at any time which short URL is currently being used for your event and simply copy the URL from the field.

Useful for
  • Printed invitations where your guests have to read and type the URL into their browser window
  • Events where you would like to pass on the URL to the event to your guests over the phone or in conversations
  • etc.